Jobs Tournament


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The Jobs Tournament (Yrkeskampen) is a contest for year 8 classes aimed at highlighting vocational education and trainings and inspiring students to begin thinking about future training and job  opportunities. The tournament focuses on vocational matters and physical hands-on assignments based on upper secondary vocational training courses offered in Sweden.

The Jobs Tournament takes place every year during the Swedish national vocational championships. First invitations are sent to teachers, mentors and study and vocational guidance counsellors around Sweden. In 2021 there was a lot of interest and a total of 106 classes joined the tournament, in other words around 1,700 students. Unfortunately, the practical part of the tournament could not be completed when The Swedish National Skills Competition was cancelled, but now the country knows about the tournament, the process is tested and ready to go whenever there’s an opportunity.

There is a guide available for use in schools wishing to hold a Jobs Tournament themselves, and by using the guide and performing hands-on tasks, school classes can hold the tournament themselves.

Read more about WorldSkills Swedens initiatives